Credit cards are among the most popular payment methods in the world. There are almost 30 billion credit card owners worldwide. The average credit card penetration rate in the world is nearly 25%. These statistics point to the importance of credit cards as the most popular payment method in the world. Credit cards are also included in the list of the most commonly used payment methods for international payments. Considering this fact, international credit card processing becomes so significant for high-risk businesses that choosing the right one becomes the difference between success and failure.
High-risk businesses are usually involved in international
transactions in comparison to low-risk businesses. Credit cards are one of the
leading payment methods in the world for international payments. This is why
cross-border credit card processing holds significance for high-risk
points for high-risk businesses in international credit card processing
The banking network is the pillar of credit card
processing. The idea of the abilities of a credit card processor can be taken
from its banking network. A large banking network is necessary for a credit
card processor to provide great services. If the main acquirer bank is unable
to process credit card payments, a large banking network can help in this
situation by offering backup options to continue processing. The inability of the
bank to execute payments on time won't cause a delay because of the vast
banking network.
and prevention of fraud
In the credit card industry, chargebacks are the most
concerning point for online credit card processing service providers. And it
becomes more stressful for processors when they provide service to high-risk
businesses because such businesses are known for high chargeback rates. But
nothing can be done regarding chargebacks because they are an integral part of
the process until they are legitimate. A significant number of them are fake,
which can cause problems for both credit card processors and merchants.
Considering this, it becomes necessary for a credit card processor to arrange
some kind of fraud prevention structure to provide protection against fake
chargeback requests. For example, employing AI fraud detection tools to
identify and eliminate such fraud attempts.
The fee structure of international credit card processing
service providers is already so complex because of many charges such as
currency conversion, cross-border transactions, etc. This is the reason why a
high-risk merchant has to consider a credit card processor that has a
transparent fee structure with no hidden charges. So that a service provider
can’t charge a merchant illegitimately.
approval time
It is one of the most important features to notice in an
intranational credit card processing service. Because cross-border payments
generally take a longer time for approval in comparison to domestic payments.
Because cross-border payments are processed after many procedures, such as
currency conversion. As a result, the payment approval time becomes a parameter
to scale the excellence of a credit card processor.
Recurring billing is sometimes referred to as automatic
payments," too. It is well known for its value in terms of time savings.
In recurring billing, the cardholder agrees to ongoing charges from the
merchant to their credit card until they want to terminate the agreement. As a
result, both parties save time and money when making payments. Recurring
billing is a great option for both customers and companies due to its ease of
use and time-saving advantages.
How can we
help you get the best international credit card processing in Southeast Asia?
If you are a high-risk merchant in Southeast Asia, then we
can help you get the best overseas credit card processing services in the
region. Because we are one of the top credit card processing service providers
in this region. All you have to do is contact us to get the services. And if
you are wondering why we? Just take a look at the perks of our international
credit card processing service.
Perks of
PayCly international credit card processing
Support for
several currencies
More than 100 currencies are supported by PayCly's credit
card processing service for accepting payments. As a result, a business may
effortlessly complete transactions anywhere in the world.
Support for
several languages
Multilingual assistance has grown in importance in
international credit card processing since it makes it easier for cardholders
to make payments.
PayCly leverages AI and machine learning to find any
suspicious transactions or chargeback requests, in addition to having a
specialized team of specialists watch every activity.
PayCly offers extensive international coverage in more than
150 countries, giving merchants reach in almost every country on the globe.
Recurring billing is the best option for saving time while
making repeated payments.
Support for
every major card network
Another benefit of choosing PayCly is that it accepts cards
from every major card network in the world. We accept every card, be it Visa,
MasterCard, JCB, UnionPay, American Express, or Diners Club.
fee structure and low cost
We provide services at the most competitive prices in the
region, and the reason for this is our fee structure, which has no hidden
charges. Because of our transparent fee structure, the merchant just has to pay
legitimate charges, which makes our services very low-cost.
If you want to choose PayCly as your international credit
card processing partner, you just have to follow the below-given directions.
How to set
up a merchant account to get the services of PayCly?
To create a merchant account, the following conditions must
be satisfied:
Visit the website's home page.
"Apply Now" is an option in the
drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen.
The registration form will immediately display
on your smartphone's screen.
The application must have all required fields
filled out.
To continue, select "Submit."
By following these directions, you can simply get one of
the best international credit card processing services in Southeast Asia.
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